Environmental stewardship is a top priority for PARCO, known as the Energy Lifeline of the Nation. The Company upholds the highest environmental standards by implementing thorough and stringent monitoring across all operations. PARCO continuously endeavors to introduce clean fuel technologies and Environment Management Systems to contribute to the balance of the ecosystem. The ultimate objective is to eliminate any negative environmental impact caused by the Company’s operations.
At PARCO, the following measures are executed with meticulous care:
Transportation of crude oil from Keamari Port in Karachi to the Mid-Country Refinery (MCR) in Mahmood Kot is carried out through 864 km pipeline, which is approximately 740 ft. above sea level. This pipeline ensures environmentally sound transportation of crude oil to the MCR.
PARCO was the pioneer in Pakistan to install a Diesel Hydro Desulphurization (DHDS) plant, producing High-Speed Diesel that complies with EURO III standards. This product enables EURO III compliant vehicles to perform efficiently with lower emissions.
Environmental considerations were taken into account when designing and aligning oil pipeline routes, fully complying with the requirements of Federal and Provincial Environmental Protection Agencies (EPAs). No properties listed on the World Heritage List are impacted. For instance, PARCO rerouted pipelines around Lake Manchar at a significant cost to preserve the lake’s natural environment.
PARCO conducts EPA approved 3rd party groundwater monitoring twice a year in the areas surrounding PARCO Refinery to ensure the nearby community has access to safe underground water.
PARCO has done carbon emission benchmarking for its refining operations and are determined to reduce its Carbon Footprints to all possible extent.
PARCO is committed to ensure Environmental compliance in both Brown Field / Green Field Projects with respect to Environmental Assessments, Monitoring & Regulatory Compliance etc.
Waste Management:
Industries generate large quantities of solid waste, including hazardous and non-hazardous materials. As keeping waste on the premises for an extended period is not feasible, proper disposal in designated areas following appropriate procedures and mechanisms is necessary. Improper disposal of hazardous waste can pose risks to both people and the environment.
PARCO firmly believes that scientific waste management is the ultimate solution for preserving the environment. In PARCO, solid waste disposal is conducted in a manner that does not harm the environment. The Waste Management System at PARCO follows the Guidelines set by EPA Pakistan and US EPA CFR codes. State-of-the-art waste storage facilities have been provided at the MCR, and the waste system is controlled through Waste Management Guidelines.
Hazardous waste is disposed of annually through EPA-approved third-party vendors, selected through an open bidding process that includes stringent evaluation criteria to fulfill all legal requirements.
Effluent Management:
PARCO’s Effluent Treatment Plant has a capacity of 340 m3/hr. Waste water from the refinery is collected and undergoes skimming, neutralization, dissolved air flotation, aeration, clarification, filtration, and drying operations. These processes ensure that the effluent water is brought within the limits of Punjab Environmental Quality Standards (PEQS) before it is discharged into local drainage or reused for plants. If any parameter exceeds PEQS limits, the entire batch of effluent water is diverted back to a diversion tank for reprocessing.
Compliance with PEQS is ensured by checking all contractors’ equipment. Regular checks and verification of effluents are conducted by third-party EPA-approved laboratories to meet PEQS requirements.
Air Quality:
The increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has accelerated climate change. PARCO has implemented the following precautionary measures:
Ambient air monitoring is conducted twice a year at a distance of 1-2 km around PARCO’s Mid-Country Refinery (MCR) by EPA-certified third-party monitors.
The impact on the environment resulting from the refining process is controlled through the treatment and management of emissions. Examples include the use of low NOx (Nitrous Oxide) burners and the removal of sulfur from fuel gases.
Air sampling is carried out twice a year at the MCR to assess the impact of emissions on ambient air. The sampling is performed by a third-party laboratory accredited by the EPA.
Continuous monitoring of ambient air quality provides a comprehensive picture of the effects of stack emissions on air quality. The PARCO Mid-Country Refinery has installed an AQM-65 station to monitor ambient air quality on a daily basis.
Flare Gas Recovery Unit (FGRS) is being installed at Mid-Country Refinery with the objective to make optimal use of recovering flare gases as fuel gas. Accordingly, flare loads can be minimized through main flare resulting in practically zero main flaring under normal conditions.
Environment-Friendly Fuel:
PARCO is serving the nation with high quality fuels by converting its major fuel products (Gasoline & Diesel) from Euro-II to Euro-III grade, reducing Sulphur from less than 500 to less than 350 ppm in diesel and reducing Benzene contents less than 1% in Gasoline, as per Government of Pakistan regulations to reduce the hazardous emissions from vehicles. Furthermore, PARCO is aiming to upgrade its fuel products (Gasoline & Diesel) to Euro-V grade for compliance with future regulations.
Carbon Emissions
PARCO’s management is fully committed to climate change mitigation and responsible resource management and has initiated to set targets to manage and reduce the carbon footprint of our operations and product portfolio.
PARCO monitors CO2 emissions on monthly basis and Carbon Emissions Index (CEI™) is calculated as per Solomon guidelines. We also strive towards attaining continuous improvement.
We take measures to monitor and reduce our Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG). Both direct and indirect emissions are considered.
HSEQ Vision & Policy
Policy Statement
Health, Safety, Environment & Quality (HSEQ)
At PARCO, we believe, Company’s long-term business success depends on our ability to continually improve HSE performance by protecting people, including stakeholders, assets, environment & reputation of the Company. Therefore, towards our Vision of “Zero Harm”, Health, Safety and Environment matters are considered as an integral part of our business processes and shall be duly taken into account for guiding our behaviors, actions and decisions for achieving HSE excellence in all operations covering Hydrocarbons Refining, Transportation Services, Storage & Marketing.
Commitment and Compliance
Health, Safety and Environment are considered at par with productivity and profitability, when making business plans and decisions, as we hold ourselves accountable for HSE compliance in our Engineering, Operations, Products & Services.
We comply with all applicable national and international standards, legal (statutory & regulatory) obligations and World’s best practices relevant to Health, Safety and Environment in our areas of operations.
The Company shall strive to introduce state of the art technologies, systems & practices to maintain all operational risks in ALARP (As low as Reasonably Practicable) range.
We ensure to promote positive & proactive HSE culture, with adherence to this policy, and HSE Management System by employees, contractors, and service providers.
Risk Management and Performance
We improve HSE competencies of employees and stakeholders to complement their good performance. Specific HSE goals and objectives are set for all levels of hierarchy to continuously improve the Organization’s HSE performance.
We implement Risk Management techniques to identify, assess and mitigate all risks to acceptable levels in our Projects & Operations.
We strive to minimize Environmental Impact of our Projects & Operation through Environment Management System and techniques in compliance to local and International laws. We encourage efficient use of energy and natural resources.
Ensure Organizational readiness to manage emergencies / accidents through efficient & effective Emergency & Crisis Management protocols for business continuity and to safeguard Company’s reputation.
Focus Areas
We are proactive when it comes to risk management in the oil and gas industry. We ensure and encourage all hazards, near miss and incidents are reported fearlessly in a positive manner, duly investigated and actions generated are closed meaningfully in set timelines to avoid recurrence.
We shall remain focused on health of our employees and contractors through provision of healthy working conditions, work life balance, health promotion initiatives and medical services.
We shall strive to further improve our performance of Process Safety and Asset Integrity to control major accident hazards.
We actively engage in stakeholder dialogue and manage our social impacts on communities around us.