PARCO joined United Nations Global Compact in the year 2010 and since then has taken significant strides in CSR and sustainable corporate performance. Not only does PARCO continues to exceed its operational, revenue and profit targets, the Company has also received national recognition for its achievements as a Responsible Corporate Citizen.
The Global Compact follows a reporting policy known as the Communication on Progress (COP) in which member organizations file a report on their initiatives. PARCO submitted its sixth Communication on Progress (COP) 2016 in February 2016. The annual posting of a COP is an important demonstration of an organization’s commitment to the UN Global Compact and its principles. Our COP report illustrates PARCO’s commitment to UNGC’s Ten Principles, and the management systems, actions and performance of PARCO.
The filing of our COP would not have been possible without steady support and hard work of all Focal Persons involved from various departments and divisions throughout PARCO. The data presented in our COP is the key element that makes PARCO’s COP so unique, insightful and award winning.
Successful organizations around the globe share their CSR systems and best practices through efficient reporting according to globally accepted reporting standards. With years to come, PARCO will be bringing more improvements in its reporting. The latest COP is available for public viewing on UNGC’s and PARCO’s official websites.